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4th & 5th Science

4th & 5th Grade Science:

Wednesday- brainstorm about your experience with Hurricane Laura.  On a sheet of paper/notebook jot down ideas about your hurricane experience.  Did you evacuate, where did you go, what did you do, did you have damage, how did you clean up, what did you see, how did you feel?

Thursday- On sheet of paper/notebook write a rough draft about your hurricane experience.  Take the notes you wrote in the brainstorm and turn it into paragraphs.  You should have a lot to tell me so it should be more than 1 paragraph.

Friday- using a pen or something of a different color than what you wrote in edit your rough draft.  Make corrections, change things, add new things if needed.

Monday- On a sheet of paper/ notebook, write a final draft of your essay.  Write in your best handwriting.

Tuesday- On a sheet of paper/notebook draw and color (if possible) a picture to go with your essay.